Tangible Asset Valuation
External and Audit Projects for Purchase Price Allocations and Impairment Testing
Desktop Valuation of Plant, Machinery and Equipment
Report Writing
Secondary Market Research Assistance – Market Value
Why Choose Knowcraft for Valuation?
Case Studies
Lattice Model
A Binomial lattice model is an open-form model with more flexibility around certain features of an asset than the Black-Scholes model. It involves constructing a binomial tree with up and down paths at each node representing steps that consider the different paths the underlying asset could take during the term of the option.
ESOP Valuation
An employee stock ownership plan (“ESOP”) is an employee benefit plan that gives the employees ownership interest in the Company in the form of stock.
Accounting Case Study – Forecast Financials
To understand the potential income to be generated in the future period, we have eliminated the revenue portion from entities that were discontinued in calculating the EBITDA.